Chinese enterprises plan to open paper mills across Russia

Russian satellite news agency, Moscow, June 15 – Guo Xiaowei, general manager of Xingtai lanli import and export trade Co., Ltd., said in an interview with Russian satellite news agency at the St. Petersburg international economic forum that the company plans to set up paper mills in Tatarstan, Pensa, Krasnodar, Altay and other Russian regions.


He said: “the company has sent nearly 500million rubles of rapeseed oil to China in the past two months, and it is expected that the future trade volume will reach 200million rubles. If the Tula project is successful, in the future, we will connect with other agricultural States, such as Tatarstan, Pensa, Krasnodar, Altay and other wheat producing areas, and build more paper mills with wheat straw as raw materials, so as to generate value and bring more social income to the local.”


He added: “our company has decided to be a partner with Russia as the main target, and the company’s investment plan only involves Russia. Therefore, our current trade projects have added papermaking projects, as well as some projects in other states in the future.”


Nikolai Vavilov, executive director of the international joint initiative Center (icji) of the Russian Convention and Exhibition foundation, previously told satellite news agency that more than 40 Chinese enterprises participated in the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.


Post time: Jul-07-2022